Sunday, 21 June 2020

La préciosité

The word "precious" was borrowed from the Latin adjective: "pretosius": which has value.The precious movement was born in France in the 17th century, and culminated particularly between 1650 and 1660. It is located during the regency after the government of Louis XIII. It was born as a challenge to the coarseness of the court of Henry IV where the courtesans were rude, liked salacious jokes  , the unsophisticated language . 

This movement is present throughout Europe, each country develops its current: in England there is euphemism , in Spain gongorism (style research, taste of images) in Italy Marinism ( hyperbola, antitheses, metaphors) All these movements seek a refined and elegant style  . This movement trespasses the bounds of literature and is converted into a way of life.  The main aspects of this movement are: the taste for distinction (the importance of sustained language (periphrase and metaphor, culture,elegance), the courteous love in which the woman is an idealized and inaccessible being,the art of conversation and even the questioning of marriage. Also there is the creation of neologisms like , congratulate, anonymous . 

They used  periphrases such as "the mirrors of the soul" to designate the eyes, a simple armchair becomes a «convenience of conversation» They oppose the too realistic term or evoke «vulgar» realities: corpse, vomit, sweep, The broom becomes «the instrument of cleanliness». The precious always seek a more elegant, refined life and distinguish themselves from the common.  

What characterizes this movement in France is the development of precious salons, of a cultivated company that meets in its salons most in the district of Marais . The precious ones, as we call them the women who run these salons or also called “Hotels”. The mistresses of the living rooms often receive their guests in a room, sitting on the bed. The courtesans thus form a circle around the mistress of the house. These salons are places of entertainment (  champagne, board games, etc ) but also a cultural crossroads ( debates, poetry, readings of works ,etc). The first big and famous salon in Paris was that of the Italian Marquise of Rambouillet who in her “Blue Room” welcomes aristocrats like Mme de Lafayette , Mme de Sévigné or the poet Voiture. Another very important salon was that of Madame de Scudéry, who every Saturday brought together bourgeois . 

The literary genres privilege by the precious: idealistic novel (pastoral novel that stage shepherds and shepherds who have a chaste love or heroic novel), poetry, eloquent letter or badine. The great works of this movement are, l Astrée d Honoré d Urfe ( pastoral novel) Clélie and Le Grand Cyrus ( heroic novel) by Mme de Scudéry or Correspondances de Madame de Sévigné.

Nevertheless this movement was contested by great figures of the time such as Molière, in the Précieuses ridicules ( 1659) where he criticized the extravagance of language, clothing and manners. This movement is very influential , it has an influence on the loving mores that become more refined , the language also on its part becomes more refined one could say that it anticipates the classical language but also it has brought a simplification of the French language, even if it seems contradictory (author, reply, aisne), and we use periphrases created in this era as for example: to have spirit, to be confused with someone and the place of the woman in the intellectual life, they are rather interested in novels and poetry, they judge and write literary works.

Les Précieuses ridicules — Wikipédia
Les précieuses ridicules of Molière

Thursday, 18 June 2020

The flamenco

The flamenco is a very famous type of music, we´ve all seen the dance and heardat least once a flamenco song. And if you didn´t , well you are in the right place . Today I´m going to talk about the history of flamenco, because it's a very interesting one. And also recommend your songs, old and new ones. Because any kind of music evolues.

 We don't have an exact date of when the flamenco started, we know that it has a lot of contributions of the indian culture, the melismatic singing from the greeks, african dance moves, etc. It´s a truly melting pot . But one of the cultures that contributed the most and we can say that gives the origin to flamenco as we know it nowadays , are the gypsies.

 About the etymology of the word, it's uncertain . But a theory is that it came from the verb “fellah min gueir ard” that means aimless peasant.
The first time that we mentioned the flamenco dance in the literature, was in the Cervante´s book, La Gitanilla. The principal flamenco places until nowadays are Cádiz, Jerez de la Frontera and the Triana´s neighbourhood at Sevilla.

 We can divide the history of flamenco in three big periods : The gold period ( 1860-1910, the Opera period(1910-1955) and The Renaissance (1955).

A short summary of these threes is that in the gold period was when the flamenco started to become famous, they were restaurants where the show was the flamenco dance and sing . In this period where the music halls and cabarets opened , and not only in Spain but also all around Europe. For example the Moulin Rouge by Josep Oller in Paris .The Opera period is when the flamenco started to be worldwide known and being more marketed. This didn't like it to everyone, they thought that the true essence of the flamenco was being lost. Finally the Renaissance was when the flamenco developed even more. The guitarist started to be more appreciated, now he started not only to be an accompaniment but also a solist.The flamenco artist started to grow, the dancers and singers went to big festivals and shows.

 Now that we know the history , I´m going to talk about the characteristics. There are a lot of types of flamenco songs. The most known ones are :
 The sevillanas (happy ones) ,for example Cántame of Maria del Monte
 Fandangos (typical ones) a good singer is “El Cabrero”
 Bulerias( the ones that usually are for the parties)
Tango ( no it´s not the argentinian tango)

 Other very important representers are Antonio Mairena, Camarón de la Isla, Paco de Lucia, Manolo Sanlucar and manyothers. And big dancers of flamenco are for example Carmen Amaya, Sara Barras ,Antonio Gádes, Joaquin Cortés , The lyrics of the songs are about love, sadness, passion, heartbreak, anguish. It transmits us the feeling from the gypsy culture. The dance is incredible with the beautiful dresses,the flowers in the hair of the dancers, the “ castañuelas”. The man usually has a wide-brimmed hat, a vest, white or black blouse,etc.

 The songs that I recommend you are : Bulerias of Paco de Lucia and Camarón de la Isla,Malagueña from Paco de Lucia, Soy Gitano of Camarón de la Isla , Tratante de vara larga of Remedios Amaya and ¡Que bonito! from Rosario and the version of the Te quiero, te quiero of Rosario with El Cigala.


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  I once saw in Valencia a graffiti that said “ Exhibit art directly on the streets. It's a way to break with the established roles.Who ...