Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Freemasonry and Illuminatis

I think that we´ve all heard about the famous conspiracy theories about the Illuminati and Freemasonry, but we are not sure what's the difference. I'm going to tell you first what are the origins of these two groups and their history . Then , what are the differences between them .And finally my opinion about them.

 The Freemasonry is the world's largest worldwide secret society. The questions of when, how, why and where Freemasonry originated are still the subject of intense speculation.There is a legend where they said that the first mason mentioned in history is Hiram Abif the architect of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem . Other theories say that the Freemasonry existed a long time ago, that characters from the Bible like Noe, the architects mentioned or Moíses were masons.

 They attribute to the masons the construction of the pyramids, that they were part of the humanists of the Renaissance .The general hypothesis is that they descend directly or indirectly from the organisation of operative stonemasons who built the great cathedrals and castles of the middle ages.

 There are 3 degrees in Freemasonry Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The first Mason Lodge was built in England, in 1717 . It was the Grand Lodge and is located in England.The Freemasonry is divides in two currents : Regular Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry ( British Isles, United States,a big part of Europe included Spain, the american continent) and Regular Continental Freemasonry ( France,Francophone Africa,and part of Europe).
The regular Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry is the one with the more “ strict rules”, for example it's prohibited to discuss about politics and religion, women are not allowed ans you must belief in a Supreme Being.

 The rules accepted by the two orders are : That it must have a legitimacy of origin; that is, that its constitution has been sponsored by some other regular Masonic organization. In this sense, the initial regularity is generally considered to emanate from the ancient Grand Lodge of London and Westminster. Respect for the values and fundamental principles established in the founding documents, in particular the so-called Anderson Constitutions, published in 1723.
We could say that each Grand Lodge is independent, even if they respect some basic rules they can implement their own.
Usually there is a Grand Lodge that supervises the lodges in their state or country but there isn't a Worldwide Lodge that supervises everyone. Finally, lodges that don't include the criteria of either of the two main currents are usually called wild, although they prefer to refer to themselves as under the celestial vault.

 The oppositors of the Freemasonry all along the History were the Catholic church, the Islam religion, dictatorships like the fascim, the nazis,etc. That's because they saw Freemasonry as a dangerous society related to esotericism and that wanted the destruction of religion, the family and the State.

 Currently being part of Freemasonry is easier, or not that hard to enter. If you want to be a Mason, you can petition a local lodge for membership. You'll need to demonstrate good character and belief in some sort of Supreme Being. Then the members of the Lodge will vote to see if they accept you. But almost all the lodges are exclusives for men.
The etymology of “ Illuminati” refers to the illuminated mens, the ones who know the truth, that are enlighted with this wisdom . Various groups claimed to be illuminatis, there is not only a group. There are the Alumbrados( 16th century) in Spain,the Rosicrucians that remained secret the first 100 years of their creation. However on this post we are going to focus on the group from Bavaria, the “ famous” ones.

The Secret Society of the illuminatis started with 5 men on may 1 , 1776, yes in their first meeting there were 5 men signing a pact in the woods. It all started with the bavarian professor Adam Weishaupt. His family was jewish converted to christianism and he was very devoted. Despite this he thought that the power from the monarchy and the church didn't let the men be free. At this time the Freemasonry was expanding all over Europe but Weishpaut after joining didn´t agree with their beliefs so he decided to found his own secret society.

 The aim of Adam Weishaupt was to replace christianism by a religion based on reason . The members of this secret society called themselves “Perfectibilists.” This society was divided in 13 degrees of initiation divides in 3 classes, the first one was the for beginners, they were in the range of novices or minervals, then the second one “ freemasons'' ( they took the idea of the hierarchy from the freemasonry society) and the third one is the mystery one where they had the ranges from priest, prince, magnus and king.
At the beginning the members could only be Weishaupt students ( in fact it's said that the first members were young teenagers, such as 14 years old) but over the years this society grew up considerably , they included politicians, nobles,lawyers, etc.

Famous people from Bavaria were part of it and even is speculated that Goethe was also an perfectibilists .They had their own nicknames if we can call it like that, Weishaupt was Spartacus for example and the one of the co-founder Adolph von Knigge was Philon . Also when they communicated by letters they used a cipher language.
Their beliefs and plans were: creating a female branch from their society, defense of atheism and suicide, abortion, the creation of a New World Order and they even create invisible ink. Sadly this order was banned by an edict in 1785 and in 1787 another edict imposed the death penalty to any member of this group. Wieshpaut was banned and moved to Gotha in Saxony where he taught philosophy at the university of Göttingen. Normally this is where this secret society ended, but there are a lot of speculations that they continued. They related them to the French Revolution, which is false. Also they inspired many fictional books such as Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons and Foucault’s Pendulum by Italian novelist Umberto Eco.
The Minerva owl was the Illuminati´s symbol, a symbol of power and wisdom.

 Now we are going to see what relates these two societies, what explains their similarities. First of all
the founder of the Illuminatis was part of the Freemasonry, and one year later after joining this group he decided to create this other one. Because the Illuminati recruited many members in Europe through Freemason lodges, the two groups are often confused for each other. The degrees from the Illuminatis were inspired by the ones from Freemasonry, indeed Weishaupt and Adolph von Knigge were both part of the Freemasonry.

The difference is that Freemasonry, even if it is classified like a secret society, is not a secret at all. The members don't keep it a secret that they are part of it, the illuminatis did it instead.

 Nowadays the Illuminatis are often associated with Beyoncé,Jay Z, a new world order or even reptilians. All these conspiracy theories are not proved , but the mystery of these secret societies will always blow our imaginations. And I think Freemasonry is a very interesting society, it is more likeable that they control us instead of Illuminatis.

Friday, 10 July 2020

Le désir

Le désir est par définition insatiable, il est la marque de notre manque ontologique. Car l´homme au contraire de l´animal n´est pas parfait , comme le dit le mythe de Prométhée , on est nu et sans chaussures. Le désir est paradoxale puisque il veut, au sens de désirer , et en même temps ne peut pas être satisfait. Il marque l'infinité de l´homme , puisque nos désirs sont illimités, mais aussi soulignent notre finitude puisque, c´est l´indice qu´on naît avec cette manque ontologique. Ce désir n'a pas de bornes, de limites. Puisque á différence du besoin qui peut être satisfait celui ci ne le sera jamais, on voudra toujour plus. Une illustration de cela est l´exemple donné par  Socrates, celui des tonneaux percé des Danaïdes qu'il compare au lieu de l'âme qui est le siège des passions, qui est insatiable, qui ne pourra jamais être rempli. Tout à fait comme les tonneaux. On est conscient de nos désir mais pas sachants, on ne sait pas d'où il vient . Puisque la passion s'oppose á la raison , les passions sont tout ce que nous empêche de penser . Par exemple dans le cas d'un jaloux, il part d'une certitude, que son amoureux le trompe. Au lieu de partir d'une hypothèse, il part d'une conclusion. Mais en fait notre condition humaine est d'être désirant , avoir des désires est d'être vivant. Oui, c´est notre manque ontologique mais c´est ce qui nous fait humains.

Le Désir en philosophie

What is art?

  I once saw in Valencia a graffiti that said “ Exhibit art directly on the streets. It's a way to break with the established roles.Who ...